什麼是與拉丁美洲國際化程度最高的經濟體的國家? 在這方面的兩個關鍵指標是出口量和當地企業的投資資本的一部分,購買外國公司的能力。 在這兩方面,一組在該地區國家的需要明顯的優勢。 雖然巴西是全球最大的經濟體地區,墨西哥是拉丁美洲的出口大國。 根據墨西哥政府,貿易總額億$ 397.000在2014年,比上一年比區域其他任何國家更多的4.6%高。 在其青睞,除其他事項外,墨西哥接近其主要市場,美國。 這也使他發展的地區,兩國之間日益複雜的集成,例如汽車行業,其中墨西哥工廠和超越許多在底特律同行在供應美國市場。 另請閱讀:墨西哥人誰怕“世界上最雄心勃勃的貿易協定”丟失 對石油的依賴 巴西將出現在第二位,與美國的247000億$。 拉丁美洲主要出口國 年出口額(US $十億) 379,000墨西哥 247000巴西 127000委內瑞拉 79000智利 阿根廷76000 資料來源:聯合國數據,2013 路透社 顏三是委內瑞拉,其巨大的石油出口達到億$ 127.000在2013年。 雖然這是一個數字是相當低的,他teme-在2015年和2016年,由於該國對石油的銷售,在國際油價持續低迷,幾乎完全依賴。 還閱讀:為什麼會出現在委內瑞拉的港口,荒涼 小而出口商 除了這些出口大國,其他拉美國家瞄準國外市場,其中突出的經濟智利(第四拉丁美洲),與2013年銷售79000億$。 但更令人驚訝的成功出口小得多的國家,如哥斯達黎加,只有500萬人口管理在2013年美國出售億$ 25,000,製成品和高附加值主要代表。 其中,如果他們的表現人均測量放中美洲國家作為該地區的出口冠軍。 國外投資 拉美經濟全球化的一個相對較新的方面是其最具代表性的採購公司願意投資海外,無論是在周邊國家或其他地區的企業。 所謂“multilatinas”在多個國家開展業務的拉美公司,被解釋為這些經濟體的日益成熟的一個標誌。 雖然他們已經有時懷疑由國家看到接收投資,激發民族主義情緒那些誰以前給人們只有美國或歐洲的跨國公司。 國外的一些拉美國家的投資 私人年度投資(US $百萬) 12052智利 7.610墨西哥 4452秘魯 3.889哥倫比亞 2.117阿根廷 資料來源:拉美經委會(2014) 法新社 聯合國拉丁美洲和加勒比經濟委員會(拉加經委會)的一份報告,今年出版的“拉丁美洲和加勒比地區的外國直接投資”顯示Chilecomo區域冠軍,在他們的企業的投資超越它的邊界。 在2014年智利公司的淨投資達到國外億$ 12.000。 而在墨西哥,另一multilatinas冠軍,在美國7000多萬$的順序。 巴西的情況是特殊的,因為當他們的公司在2014年投資了19500 $萬海外,超過該地區的其他國家,而接受美國在國外的子公司的淨貸款$ 23096萬美元,根據報告CEPAL。 這意味著,根據國際組織的方法,對外投資的巴西跨國公司的淨餘額為負。 還閱讀:巴西公司正在緊鑼密鼓的承諾業務在委內瑞拉 與鄰居 在2014年的前十名multilatinas對外投資,七赴歐洲和美國,根據拉美經委會的報告。 imagenAFP的BuqueDerechos作者 圖片說明 墨西哥是拉美國家的出口。 最重要的投資是億$ 8.000巴西愛在葡萄牙電信。 雖然墨西哥的America Movil投資了6000多萬$的公司奧地利電信第二位。
Latin American countries that export more
What are the nations with the most internationalized economies in Latin America? Two key indicators in this regard are the volume of exports and the ability of local firms to invest some of their capital in buying foreign firms. In both respects, a group of countries in the region has a clear advantage. Although Brazil is the largest economy in the region, Mexico is the great export power in Latin America. According to data from the Mexican government, exports totaled US $ 397 billion in 2014, 4.6% more than the previous year and higher than any other nation in the region. In its favor, among other aspects, Mexico has the proximity with its great market, the United States. This has allowed it to develop an increasingly complex integration between the two nations in areas such as the automotive industry, where Mexican factories already outperform many of their counterparts in Detroit in supplying the US market. Read also: What are they afraid of losing Mexicans to the "most ambitious trade agreement in the world" Dependence on oil Brazil appears in second place, with US $ 247 billion. Leading Latin American exporters Annual exports (US $ billion) 379,000 Mexico 247,000 Brazil 127,000 Venezuela 79,000 Chile 76.000 Argentina Source: United Nations, data for 2013 Reuters Yen ranked third is Venezuela, whose huge oil exports reached US $ 127 billion in 2013. Although it is a figure that is feared to be substantially lower in 2015 and 2016, given the country's almost total dependence on oil sales and the continuing collapse in international oil prices. Read also: why there is so much desolation in the ports of Venezuela Small but exporters Beyond these exporting powers, there are other Latin American nations with economies oriented to external markets, among which Chile stands out (the fourth place in Latin America), with sales of US $ 79 billion in 2013. But more surprising is the export success of much smaller nations, such as Costa Rica, which with just 5 million inhabitants managed to sell in 2013 US $ 25 billion, represented to a large extent in manufactured goods with high added value. Which puts the Central American nation as the region's export champion if its per capita performance is measured. Investment abroad A relatively new aspect of the globalization of the Latin American economies is the willingness of their most representative firms to invest in buying firms abroad, either in neighboring countries or in other regions. The so-called "multilatinas", Latin American companies that operate in multiple nations, are interpreted as a sample of the growing sophistication of these economies. Although on some occasions they have been viewed with suspicion by the host countries of the investments, arousing nationalistic feelings like those that previously only raised the American or European multinationals. Investment of some Latin American countries abroad Annual private investment (US $ million) 12.052 Chile 7,610 Mexico 4,452 Peru 3,889 Colombia 2.117 Argentina Source: ECLAC (2014) AFP A report by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) published this year, "Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean," shows Chilecomo a regional champion in investing in its companies beyond Its borders. In 2014 the net investment of Chilean companies abroad reached US $ 12,000 million. While that of Mexico, another champion of multilatinas, was in the order of US $ 7 billion. The Brazilian case is special, because while its companies invested US $ 19.5 billion abroad in 2014, more than the other nations of the region, at the same time received US $ 23.096 billion in net loans from foreign subsidiaries, according to the report of The ECLAC. Which leads, according to the methodology of the international organisms, the net balance of the foreign investment of the Brazilian multilatinas is negative. Read also: the companies of Brazil that redouble their bet of businesses in Venezuela With the neighbors Among the ten largest multi-country investments abroad in 2014, seven went to Europe and the United States, according to the ECLAC report. Ship Author of the imageAFP Image caption Mexico is the most exporting Latin American country. The biggest of all was the US $ 8 billion investment by Brazil's Oi in Portugal Telecom. Meanwhile, Mexico's América Móvil invested US $ 6 billion in Telekom Austria for second place.