Our study is dedicated to the advice of international contracts, as an institution within private international law. It is important that not every colleague is qualified to advise within the private international law, discipline in which it is necessary to know which judge is the one who understands in the cause, knowing how to correctly choose the jurisdiction of which country the proceeding must be carried out, and then To analyze which law is applicable, not to be established in the contract, since there are special treaties of private international law, bilateral, multilateral, regional or interlocking treaties.
Depending on the country or continent in question, there are many rights that can be exercised by putting before the judge the correct variables.
It is important that you choose the right professionals to successfully carry out your international contracts.
Certificate of university degrees
Disadvantages in migratory issues
Delays in delivery of containers
We have different fees depending on the complexity of the case. On the other hand we have fixed fees or monthly rates from usd 300 so you can start the search for a legal solution to your inconvenience, and therefore, this allows you to resolve the issue in question, without having to face from the outset costly .
If you, for example, have problems with legal procedures regarding:
- Immigration procedures to be able to practice your profession.
- Apply for the revalidation of your university degree.
- Manage the requirements to be in order to work legally in the Country.
- Obtaining citizenship.
- If you are an individual or a company that operates in Argentina from abroad, and has retained or delayed the delivery of your container.
If in all these situations you have difficulty accessing the use of legal means, you have to know that there are different regulatory alternatives, by which your country of origin may have signed an international agreement, which may bring you facilities to resolve said Procedure, and that our specialists in the field can give you a solution.