Our team advises you on:
International Business Contracts.
Import and export of services and goods.
International commercial contracts.
Contracts of services: Engineering, financial, transport, insurance, subcontracting.
Contracts of Goods: Consumption, equipment, manufactures, raw materials.
Logistics contracts
Marketing contracts.
Own network. Commercial branch, internet contracts. Agent to commission, consortia of companies, Joint venture, subcontracting, importer, distributor.
Normative country destination.
Terms of delivery, Incoterms.
International arbitration.
Contracting parties, human persons, or legal entities.
Forms of payment and guarantees.
International Treaties on Private International Law -
CIDIPs, Mercosur, Vienna Convention and others.
Voluntary and involuntary noncompliance. Dolo. Guilt. Fortuitous case, force majeure.
Penalties for breach of contract. Execution, resolution.
Price discount. Mediation and litigation in Private International Law.
Applicable law (Depecage), and jurisdiction.
Constitutional right. Hierarchy of international treaties, and their influence on internal norms.
Right of Aliens in Civil Matters.
International contracts
There are different regulations at the local level, coming from different laws, codes, or in the National Constitutional, as well as in different bilateral treaties of commercial order, or in various conventions coming from regional organizations, such as Mercosur, OAS, through Of the CIDIPs, or in conventions integrated to the UN. It is important that you have the appropriate advice so that you can interpret the legal framework and the correct applicable jurisdiction when carrying out the different international transactions and successfully carry out international operations in the destination country.